Parks development

Ludlow Road Open Space Improvement Works 2024

Over the next six months there will be improvement works commencing at Ludlow Road Open Space. These works will consist of the construction of a robust all-year perimeter access pathway. Which followed from a consultation that occured with the local residents and park users earlier in the year that mainly explored the accessibility of the open space and nature reserve.  

The Parks team is looking to improve public accessibility and safety within Ludlow Road Open Space through constructing an all-season footpath. Working with the Friends of Ludlow Road Open Space, the Council has secured funding to deliver: 

  • Footpath around the perimeter of the park and through the woods 

  • Boardwalks from recycled plastic 

  • Some minor clear out works in the woods to open the space 

  • Entrance paths improvements 

  • Newly planted tree lined path section to create shade 

  • Installation of new bins and benches 

Our contractor Maydencroft will look to deliver these works from Late July to Late December 2024 and will be on site Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00 hours.  

Mobilisation will commence on Monday 15th July, in which construction will kick off on Wednesday 17th July.  

We will be holding several opportunities for locals to learn more about the works taking place through site visits, walkabouts, and launch days. All events will be posted on the Parks Hub.

Approximate timeline is as follows: (subject to weather, land conditions etc.)  


  • Maydencroft mobilise team  

  • Maydencroft will be on site conducting CAT scans and establishing working areas  

  • Minor vegetation clearance  

  • Setting up of site compound  

  • Areas to begin to be cordoned off  

  • Stripping of existing soil around new path  

August – November  

  • Break out existing path  

  • New subbase and edging installed  

September to October  

  • Swales creation 

  • New boardwalk installed in woodland area  


  • New kissing gate installed  

  • New litter bins installed  

  • New lecterns installed  

  • Tree planting  


  • Maydencroft demobilisation and site hand over 

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