
Hounslow Parklets Design Guidance

Location and space

You should choose a location on a street that has a low level of local traffic, with minimal HGVs, and parking demand should be of a reasonable level, ensuring there is always space available for people to park.

If your street does not fit these criteria then this application may be rejected, although all applications will be assessed.

You have an area of approximately 4.5 x 1.7 metres that can be used for your community parklet. This will fit within one parking space.

We would discourage the use of a loading bay. We need to make sure that loading space is retained as it generally serves a number of businesses. If you think you want to use a loading bay, please discuss this with us first.

Many parklets include planters, seating, notice boards, games or bike parking. The choice is yours.

Road safety

Road safety is important to us, and we must be satisfied that the design will protect those who are using the Parklet and other road users.

We will expect the end facing approaching traffic to be protected by a kerb build out or similar feature, this could be existing or a temporary proposal.

The other end may need to be protected by a PlantLock or other similar feature These sturdy planters are bolted into the carriageway and will provide 2 bike parking spaces each.

You will be responsible for filling them with soil, plants and their upkeep during the life of your parklet. The space between the PlantLocks (approx 4.5 x 1.7 metres) is yours to fill with whatever you can imagine, providing the design is approved by us.

It may be possible to dispense with the Plantlocks, if your design includes a solid feature with sufficient height at each end of the parking space you are using.

The road facing side would need to be of sufficient strength and construction to protect people using the parklet.

We will need to assess and approve all details, even if your initial design is successful, to ensure that the parklet is safe for people using it, but also protects road safety for everyone.

Other design considerations

You will need to ensure that drainage is not blocked, including keeping gullies and the channel at the side of the road clear of obstruction. The parklet must allow water to follow under it.

You will need to ensure that no service access covers are blocked, access to these could be required at any time.

The parklet will need to be pre-constructed off-site or of modular construction so  it can easily be installed and removed if necessary.

You may be required to move it if access or maintenance to the road is required.


You will be responsible for all costs including the design, construction, maintenance and inspections.

Maintenance and inspections

You will need to ensure the design is easy to maintain. You will be responsible for maintenance of the parklet. We will set up a programme of inspections to ensure it is being maintained to a high standard and does not affect road safety. If we believe it is not being maintained to our satisfaction we may need to remove it to ensure road safety is not compromised.

Public liability insurance

You will need to obtain public liability insurance that covers you, as the parklet keeper, for at least £10 million in case of third party claims. There are many providers of this type of insurance. You don’t need this cover to make your initial application, but you should plan to get it in the event your application is shortlisted. We will request a copy of the certificate/cover note prior to construction/implementation.

Road safety audit

A road safety audit is a requirement for your parklet proposal, as it will identify any potential road safety issues or problems relating to your parklet design that may affect all users of the highway.

This will require a visit by a road safety auditor and may involve other parties, such as the police or a Council officer, to assess your proposal. The audit will take into consideration the following matters:

  • road layout and markings
  • position of signs
  • lighting provision
  • construction and dimensions of the parklet

Where any problems are highlighted with your parklet proposal, Council officers will work with you to mitigate these and ensure the final design is safe and appropriate in regards to the surrounding environment.

Road safety audits will be organised by Council officers, and they will provide you with details of this during the early stages of your Stage 2 application.

Basic guidelines

Your parklet will be on the public highway and will have to follow certain basic guidelines.


  • Make your parklet welcoming and comfortable for all members of the public
  • Think about how people with mobility issues will be able to use the parklet
  • Use materials that are:
    • Weather resistant
    • Sturdy
    • Recycled/reusable where possible
  • Plan to complete the installation in one day
  • Consider how people will get on and off your parklet and where they will be walking past
  • Think about the back (roadside) of your parklet and design to deter people from wandering or tripping into the road
  • Consider how it will be kept clean and maintained
  • Provide for litter if people will be spending time there, e.g. if you will be installing seating
  • Consider the potential for anti-social behaviour and possible mitigation measures when thinking about your design (we can help with this)
  • Design a parklet that can easily be moved in the event of roadworks, or at the end of its life
  • If you are a business, think about licensing requirements


  • Do anything that blocks the pavement or creates a trip hazard
  • Use materials that could be blown away or into the road
  • Block the flow of water along the kerb edge or block/cover any drains or other service utility covers
  • Permanently mark or disfigure the site
  • Propose a design that requires electricity
  • Propose designs that involve soil resting on the road – all soil must be placed in a container with a base and must be movable


Here are some useful websites you may want to look at, including companies that manufacture parklets.

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