School Streets - Your questions answered

What if I or my child has a blue badge?

Although the purpose of such schemes is to remove non-resident vehicle access to the area close to a school, we recognise that for some parents, carers and pupils, disabilities or health conditions mean it is not always possible to use other forms of transport. Pupils with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, holders of blue badges can therefore apply for an exemption which will allow them access to the School Streets Zone at all times without penalty.

To apply, please email us at with the following:

  • your name and your child’s name
  • vehicle registration number
  •  the school your child attends
  • whether you are a blue badge or EHCP holder.

You do not have to be a Hounslow resident to apply, however Blue Badge holders will have to provide their badge number so this can be verified accordingly with the Blue Badge team. If your child has an EHCP, we will have to confirm this with the School they attend.

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