Public inquiry: Hanworth Road


A planning application was submitted on 19/10/2021 for the “Erection of a mixed use development comprising of a part two and three storey building for a SEMH school for 90 pupils and three blocks ranging from three to five storeys in height comprising of 124 residential units with associated works, access, landscaping, refuse stores, car and cycle parking”, was refused by the Council on 28/09/2022. 

The reasons for the refusal are around the regarding Agent of Change principles, the loss of privacy to neighbouring properties, the quality of accommodation that would be provided for future ocupants in terms of communal amenity and play space, and the failure to secure a S106 Agreement.

The appeal process and feedback

The applicant from A2Dominion Developments Limited has exercised the right to appeal against the refusal of planning permission by this Council.  The appeal will be in the form of a Public Inquiry. The Inquiry will be held as an in-person event at the below venue with the facility to view virtually via livestream: 6th Floor

Hounslow House
6th Floor
7 Bath Road

The Inquiry will open at 9.30am on Tuesday 14 November and will run for three in-person days ending on Thursday 16 August at 5pm. The Inspector has powers to determine the appeal and issue a final decision on the proposed development, and for this Appeal the appointed Inspector is Michael Boniface MSc MRTPI.

Further information 

View documents relating to this appeal

The Inquiry will be livestreamed and will be shared via our YouTube channel 

Contact us

The case officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate is is Tim Salter.

The contact details are as below:

The case officer contact from the council is Nathan Ringer.

The contact details are as below:


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