Conditions and disabilities

Listed below are a number of national and local organisations that provide information, advice and practical support to people with specific conditions and disabilities along with specialist Social Care services.

The Occupational Therapy Team can advise on equipment and aids if you have a physical disability that makes using your home and getting out and about difficult. They work closely with counterparts in Housing Adaptations who can advise on more substantial equipment or home alterations.

Adult Learning Disability and Autism Service (ALDAS) and Independent Futures provides social care support for residents from the age of 17 years old, who have a learning disability and/or autism.

The Sensory Team can assist people with sight loss.

If you are worried about your mental health, the social care Adult Localities Mental Health Team (ALMHT) can advise on ways to access support.

The specialist teams listed above may be accessed via the Adult Social Care First Contact Team.

There are many condition and disability specific support groups that meet online or in-person that can help you connect with people with lived experience who can offer peer support.  

Useful websites

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