CarePlace directory - The Wheelchair Hub

Record details

Service description

The Wheelchair Hub (formerly the Hounslow Wheelchair and Posture Management Service) provides a comprehensive wheelchair, seating and sleep system service for people with long term mobility problems and associated postural needs. The assessment is holistic and takes into consideration disability, environment, lifestyle and safety factors. Service users must be registered with an NHS Hounslow GP.

Wheelchair assessment, provision and maintenance

The service offers assessment to children and adults for provision of manual and powered wheelchairs, specialist children’s buggies and associated supportive seating to meet postural and pressure care needs.

Once equipment is provided, the Wheelchair Hub provides ongoing support through review of service user's needs together with a maintenance and repair service. 

How to access wheelchair services

First referrals are made by a GP or other other health professional. After that, service users can contact the Hub directly by calling 020 3771 5990 or by email.

Sleep systems for children and adults

We now offer sleep systems residents of all ages adults in Hounslow as part of 24-hour postural management.

Sleep systems enable patients to maintain good posture while sleeping, helping to prevent deformities from occurring and improving the patient’s health and quality of life. Sleep systems are tailored to the needs of the user - creating a moulded shape around the body to support the patient in a well aligned posture overnight.

Sleep systems can help with:

  • Long term complex postural management
  • End of life care
  • Pressure management / care to assist in preventing the development of pressure ulcers or as part of the healing process.

Access sleep system services

The Hub provides sleep systems for children and adults who are registered with a Hounslow GP. Referral should be made by a health or social care professional. Direct re-referrals are accepted from previous service users.


The Wheelchair Hub
Unit 2
Inwood Business Park
Whitton Road

020 3771 5990
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