Care homes and housing options

The time may come when home care services are not enough and you may need to consider residential options such as supported living, sheltered housing, a care home, nursing home or extra Care Housing. A brief overview of all these options may be found here.

Funding residential care

If you are considering residential care and think you may be eligible for funding support, you will be required to complete a financial assessment. Most people will be required to pay something towards the cost of care and will have to pay the full cost if they have savings or assets of £23,250 and above. The value of your home is included in the assessment for residential care unless it is occupied by:

  • your husband, wife or partner
  • another relative over the age of 60
  • a relative who is incapacitated
  • your child under the age of 18

The Hounslow cost of care calculator can help you estimate your contribution. 

Funding rules can be complicated. The Council’s Financial Assessment Team can advise you on how they apply to your particular situation.  

The First Contact Team can advise on options. 

Useful websites

Browse records within Care homes and housing options

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