CarePlace directory - Financial Assessment Team (Hounslow Council)

Record details

Service description

Some care and support services delivered or arranged by the Council are provided free of charge. For example, support services for carers, statutory advocacy and advice and information. Other services such as care in your home or residential care, are charged for according to individual financial circumstances. Most people will pay something towards the cost of care or pay in full as a ‘self-funder’. The Financial Assessment Team is the service responsible for calculating how much you can afford to contribute, and to advise on funding options.

To find out your likely contribution, you may use the Autonomy online calculator.

How is an assessment carried out?

For your contribution towards your care to be calculated, a financial assessment form will need to be completed.  This will usual be done at the same time as your assessment of need by a social worker. Alternatively, you can complete a financial assessment form online here. Once all of the evidence has been received, you will be notified in writing of your contribution.

What happens if you do not want to be financially assessed?

You do not have to complete a financial assessment, but it is an essential step in receiving funding from the Council. If you do not provide the information required to be assessed, you will be charged for care services in full including ones that have already been delivered.

Advice and information

Funding care and support can be complicated. The Financial Assessment Team offers free information and advice on your funding options.

Contact us

For information and advice on financial assessment, contact the Financial Assessment Team on 020 3949 7737 or by email.

Useful links

  • Autonomy - online Needs Assessment, Carer’s Needs Assessment and Cost of Care Calculator

London Borough of Hounslow
Financial Assessment Team
3rd Floor
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

020 3949 7737
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