Mobile Catering Opportunity in Hounslow’s Parks

Hounslow Council is taking applications to operate mobile catering facilities in Hounslow's Parks.

Published: Tuesday, 9th April 2024

park vendors

Are you interested in running a small food stall or coffee trailer in one of Hounslow’s parks?

Hounslow Council is seeking proposals from mobile catering facilities to operate within its parks and open spaces through spring and summer 2024.

This opportunity is open to both new and experienced providers of mobile food and drink and will aim to provide healthy snacks and beverages to a diverse audience of visitors to borough parks.

We’re looking for a range of different food offers, and we’re open to proposals to operate in any of the Council-owned parks across the borough.

Interested providers must download and fill out this attached form and send to Martin Falder on

Requests should contain the following information:

  • What site or sites are you interested in?
  • What would be your operating hours? How many days a week?
  • This programme runs until 31 October 2024. How many days in total do you plan to occupy this pitch for?
  • What are you offering as an hourly pitch fee?
  • Details of the proposed operator, track record, and credentials
  • Menu / food & drink offer including prices
  • Proposed management arrangements, including location, opening hours, facilities required, site setup, and maintenance information
  • Community benefit & social value proposals
  • Green / environmental information of stall and proposals to handle waste.
  • Organisational financial details (1 page maximum)

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis from the 15th of each month, with contracts issued to start from the 1st of the following month.

The first round of applications received by 15, April 2024 to be assessed and appointed by 1, May 2024. Those received by 15, May to be appointed by 1 June, and so on.

Applications will be open until Thursday, 15 August 2024, with the final batch of contracts for the year being issued on 1, September 2024.

The maximum contract length will be for 183 days (from 1 May – 31 October 2024) and the minimum will be for 61 days (1 September – 31 October 2024); vendors are required to specify the preferred length of contract as part of their application.



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