School travel assistance

Types of travel offered

The types of travel assistance offered to eligible children include:

  • Funding of an oyster/travel card, where appropriate
  • Independent Travel Training
  • Walking Attendant / Travel Buddy
  • Re-imbursement of a mileage allowance
  • Personal transport budgets where parents/carers take full responsibility for getting their child to/from school
  • A seat on a suitable vehicle arranged by the Council from an agreed pick up point
  • Other types of travel assistance deemed appropriate, including consideration of more flexible options or creative solutions

Travel assistance is based on need, as opposed to parental preference.  The Council will make an assessment of eligibility and deliver assistance to those eligible based on the most sustainable, efficient and cost-effective use of the Council’s resources.

If council arranged travel assistance is provided then personalised pick up and drop off times cannot be accommodated.  Timings are also subject to change throughout the academic year due to route changes.  Should the pick up or drop off time not be suitable then parent/carer will need to make arrangements for somebody to be there at the pickup and/or drop off times.

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