Our most popular services
View as a list or a cloud.
- Abandoned vehicles
- Abnormal loads
- About the council
- Accessibility settings
- Adoption
- Adult and community education
- Adult social care
- Adult social care application
- Affordable home ownership
- Air quality
- Allotments
- Animal welfare
- Antisocial behaviour
- Apply online
- Asbestos
- Autism
- Benefit overpayment
- Benefits
- Benefits fraud report
- Better homes, better health referral
- Birth certificate ordering
- Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship
- Blue badge
- Brexit
- Budgets and spending
- Building contravention report
- Building control
- Building control application
- Building control property search
- Bus pass for disabled people
- Bus pass for older people
- Business
- Business rates payment
- Business rates
- Business recycling pack registration
- Business support and advice
- Business, licensing and regeneration
- Cabinet
- Car parks and parking
- Careplace
- Carers
- Cars for sale on the road
- Closed circuit television
- Crematorium
- Child licences, permits and chaperones
- Child protection
- Childcare application for your 2 year old
- Children and families
- Children with disabilities
- Children's services coordination
- Citizenship ceremonies
- Civil partnerships
- Street cleansing schedules
- Clinical waste
- Committees
- Community and living
- Community and voluntary sector services
- Community Hall Booking
- Community information
- Community safety
- Community Safety: What's important to you?
- Complaints
- Compliment
- Constitution
- Consultations - have your say
- Contact us
- Contaminated land
- Corporate plan
- Council and elections
- Leaseholders
- Meetings
- Council tax - direct debit
- Council tax - problems paying
- Council tax account
- Council tax and benefits
- Council tax discounts
- Council tax enquiry form for people moving home
- Council tax payment
- Council tenants
- Members
- Councillors, meetings and minutes
- COVID-19 vaccinations
- Crematoriums
- Crime prevention
- Customer service standards
- Customer services
- Cycle training
- Dead animal removal
- Death certificate ordering
- Deprivation of liberty safeguards
- Design and conservation
- Disabilities
- Discretionary local crisis payment
- Doctors’ parking permit
- Dog fouling
- Domestic violence
- Drainage
- Dropped kerbs
- Early years and childcare
- Education and learning
- Elections and voting
- Electric vehicles and charging points
- Emergency planning
- Employee self service
- Energy saving tips
- Enquiries
- Environment
- Equality
- Estate services
- Facebook account
- Family Information Service (FIS)
- Family Services Directory
- Flood risk
- Fly posting
- Fly tipping
- Food and drink issues & complaints
- Food business establishment registration
- Food safety and business
- Forward plan
- Fostering
- Fostering referral
- Fraud
- Fraud report
- Free school meals application
- Freedom pass
- Garages for rent
- Garden waste
- Grass cutting
- Gritting
- Grounds maintenance
- Handyperson scheme
- Health and well-being
- Health and safety
- Health and well being
- Home care
- Homelessness
- Hounslow Matters
- House in multiple occupation licence
- Houses in multiple occupation
- Housing
- Housing benefit
- Housing benefit appeals
- Housing enquiry
- Tenancy fraud report
- Housing register and allocations
- Housing register application
- Illegal driving report
- In-year school admissions
- Insurance claims against the council
- Invoice payment
- Job hunting advice
- Vacancies
- Jobs, careers and adult learning
- Joint strategic needs assessment
- Landlord portal
- Leaflet or information request
- Leaseholder charges payment
- Leaseholder contact details
- Leisure centre request information
- Libraries
- Library catalogue
- Library online services
- Library promotions
- Library services for children and teens
- Licensing
- Lighting - street and traffic lights
- Local land charges
- Local offer
- Local plan
- Local plan - get involved
- Looked after children and care leavers
- Marriage
- Marriage certificate ordering
- Mayor of Hounslow
- Mayoral invite
- Missed bin collection report
- Modern slavery statement
- Mogden sewage works
- Mosquitoes
- MPs
- UK citizenship
- Needs assessment online - autonomy
- Net Zero Hub
- News and press releases
- News archive
- Newsletter sign up
- Noise complaint
- Noise nuisance
- Older people's services
- Open data and information requests
- Out of hours emergencies
- Parking
- Parking permit payment
- Parking permit renewal
- Residents parking permits in Hounslow
- Parking tickets (PCNs)
- Parking, transport and streets
- Parks and open spaces
- Paul Robeson Theatre booking
- Pay online
- Pension fund
- Pensioner self service
- Pest control
- Petitions
- Planning and building
- Planning applications search
- Planning comments
- Planning decisions
- Planning enforcement request
- Planning permission
- Planning policy
- Planning pre-application advice
- Play Street road closure request
- Police stations
- Potholes
- Primary school admissions
- Privacy notice
- Private landlords
- Private sector housing
- Private tenants
- Recycling and rubbish
- Recycling and rubbish collection days
- Recycling containers - order additional or replacement
- Rent payment
- Replacement black wheelie bin request
- Report online
- Request online
- Road closures for special events
- Road defects
- Road safety
- Roads
- Safeguarding adults abuse reporting form
- Safeguarding adults at risk
- School admissions
- School places
- School term dates
- Schools and colleges
- Schools, children and families
- Scrutiny
- Secondary school admissions
- Service charges or ground rent payment
- Site inspection request
- Skips
- Space Waye re-use and recycling centre
- Special education needs & disability (SEND)
- Strategies, plans and performance
- Street and building naming and numbering application
- Street lighting
- Street problems
- Street scene design guide
- Street trees
- Streets
- Suggestions
- Supporting you through difficulty
- Taxicard scheme for disabled people
- Teaching talent pool application
- Teenage pregnancy
- Temporary structures
- Tenancy
- Trading standards
- Traffic
- Traffic notices
- Traffic, development or road safety suggestion form
- Translating and interpreting services
- Transport
- Tree management
- Truancy
- Twitter account
- UK citizenship
- Universal credit application
- Vehicle crossovers
- Vehicle exemption form - Staveley Road access restriction
- Vehicle surrendering
- Voluntary and community sector
- Voting registration
- Walking to school
- Website error report form
- Website feedback form
- Website information
- Weed treatment
- White bar markings
- Winter roads and footpaths
- Working for the council
- Youth offending
- Youtube account