Hounslow Council installs a new Breathe London Air Quality Sensor along Hounslow High Street

Hounslow Council has worked with the Hounslow Borough Respiratory Group to install an new air quality sensor on Hounslow High Street.

Published: Monday, 25th September 2023

group photo under the new sensor.
Streets Ahead: Hounslow Council’s Deputy Leader, Councillor Katherine Dunne joins Roger Smith and members of Hounslow Respiratory Support Group to unveil the new air quality sensor on Hounslow High Street.

Up-to-the-hour information about air quality in central Hounslow is now within everyone’s reach thanks to a partnership between Hounslow Council and a community support group for people with long-term respiratory conditions.

The Council has installed a Breathe London Air Quality sensor on the west end of Hounslow High Street following a successful application from the Hounslow Borough Respiratory Support Group.

The group successfully applied for the sensor from a Breathe London community programme designed to give residents better access to local air quality information.

Now, residents can head over to the Breathe London website and check the levels of potentially harmful pollutants such as Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter in real-time. The information on the site is updated by the hour.

Representatives from the Respiratory Support Group joined Hounslow Council’s Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport, Councillor Katherine Dunne on Hounslow High Street for the official unveiling of the new sensor.

Roger Smith, who is Chair of the Trustees for the Hounslow Borough Respiratory Support Group, said: “The group is delighted to have successfully bid for a sensor which will provide an opportunity to help raise awareness on air quality issues for the benefit of Hounslow residents and visitors.”

“We could not have achieved our goal without the collaboration of the Council, who made recommendations on where the sensor could be situated. Many thanks, London Borough of Hounslow Council for your support and guidance.”

In addition to the Breathe London sensors, Hounslow Council monitors air quality through six automatic air quality stations across the borough.

The council also operates a network of over 200 diffusion tubes that monitor average concentrations of NO2 across the borough.


In Autumn 2023, the council will begin installing a new network of low-cost automatic sensors to be placed outside schools, which allows residents to view their local air quality in real-time and up to the hour, similar to the Breathe London Network.

Cllr Katherine Dunne said: “There is no doubt that these air quality sensors provide information that is vital for the well-being of our community. By providing us with real-time information about the air we breathe they allow us to make informed decisions about our health, our children’s health and our environment.

“The Council is committed to working to improving the air quality in Hounslow for all our residents. The partnership with the Hounslow Respiratory Support Group shows how we can do so much more when we work together.

“We would like to thank all the members of the group for their dedication and congratulate them on their success in getting this new sensor installed. It will benefit everyone in our borough."     

Hounslow Council is currently seeking the views of all residents in the borough on its Air Quality Action Plan 2023 2028.

You can find out more and take part in the consultation here.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Hounslow Borough Respiratory Support Group, you can access their website and contact them here


  • To find out more about the Breathe London air quality sensor in Hounslow, click here.
  • You can access the data from the Council’s air quality monitors here.
  • The council also operates a network of over 200 diffusion tubes that monitor average monthly concentrations of NO2 across the borough. Data from these diffusion tubes can be found in the councils Annual Status Reports.
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