Procurement - what we do

Contracts and tenders with Hounslow

How can we find out about business opportunities within Hounslow?

Video - watch our video to understand what business opportunities are available in Hounslow.

Please also refer to our guide: Doing Business with Hounslow for more information.

To register as a supplier for tendering opportunities in  Hounslow, please visit theLondon Tenders Portal website. 

To find and apply for high value contracts (usually above £118k), please use the Find a Tender Service. For lower value projects above 10k, please visit Contracts Finder website.

See the latest Procurement Policy Notes.


Tendering process 

Tendering Opportunities at Hounslow – A short video

We have a responsibility to achieve best value when awarding a contract, delivering fairness, transparency and competition.

Tendering for a contract is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Open - a single stage process where tenders are issued to all who express an interest
  • Restricted – a two-stage process where a shortlist of tenderers is prepared for the purpose of inviting bids.
  • Negotiated – a process used only in certain circumstances, e.g. where only a single supplier exists or contract requirements cannot be fully defined.

Competitive Dialogue – a dialogue with a number of potential suppliers that may request to participate with the aim of developing one or more suitable alternatives capable of meeting the contracting authority’s requirements and on the basis of which the chosen candidates are invited to tender.

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