Planning and building control service improvements

Planning search unavailable 3 to 20 May

Our online service will be unavailable for searching and commenting on planning applications between 3 and 20 May, due to planned improvement works. Apologies for any inconvenience.

We are replacing the outdated planning and building control system with a modern, user-friendly system that provides enhanced functionality and improved efficiency.

We will also be upgrading the document management system, which is a key dependency for the planning project.

What's changing?

The new system:

  • is designed to provide enhanced functionality and improved efficiency
  • is easy to use, with intuitive navigation and clear workflows
  • includes features such as online planning applications and real-time tracking of applications
  • integrates with other council systems to provide a seamless service.

When will the new system be available?

The new system will be released in phases, starting on 3 May with the planning and building control system upgrade. The transition period for this first phase is expected to last until 20 May.

The second phase will address any issues that arise and deploy additional improvements

How will the transition affect you?

The planning website will not be available for searching or commenting on applications during the phase one transition.

Consultations and review timescales will be extended by up to 2 weeks to accommodate the transition.

New building control applications can be submitted by email to

Sending feedback and reporting issues

We appreciate your patience and understanding for the reduced service during this transition period.

Once the new system is launched, if you spot any issues or have any suggestions for improvements while using the new system, please reach out to us. This will enable us to constantly evolve and update the system.

Send us your feedback

What are the planned future enhancements?

The planning team is working with the supplier to further enhance and improve the system. Updates about improvement plans and works will be published here.

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