Contact housing

Contact Housing

There are lots of ways to contact us

Make an inquiry using our online housing form

You can email the Customer Service Centre. We will respond within 10 working days.

Call 020 8583 4000, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm  

The Customer Service Centre is open Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm. For out-of-hours contact, please call on 0208 583 2222.

London Borough of Hounslow
Hounslow House 
7 Bath Road

If you prefer to come and see us in one of our local area offices, you can find our address details here.

Other Useful Housing contacts


For emergency repairs such as a burst pipe or unsecure front door outside of office hours.

Phone: 020 8583 2222


For issues with your boiler or gas fire

Phone: 0800 634 9434 to arrange for an engineer to visit you. The call centre is open from 8am to 8pm seven days a week.

Handyman Service

To book the Handyman Service

Phone: 020 8583 3878


Our Specialist Housing Team provides help and advice to leaseholders across the borough


Phone: 020 8583 3787

Community Engagement and Involvement

Our Community Housing Partnership Team works closely with local communities and groups of residents to identify community priorities. They link with our partners in the voluntary sector to give people opportunities to get involved and create and direct community activities that meets the needs of local residents


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