The event is part of celebrations for LGBTQ+ History Month in February.
Published: Wednesday, 15th January 2025

People across Hounslow are invited to attend an LGBTQ+ event on Wednesday 5 February at Hounslow House, hosted by Hounslow Council and its LGBTQ+ Advisory Group. The event will mark LGBTQ+ History month and celebrate the activism of the LGBTQ+ community and social change brought by their efforts in their quest for equality.
LGBTQ+ community groups and charities will outline how they support LGBTQ+ residents and celebrate their role in Hounslow so far.
Keynote speakers include
- Founder and CEO of West London Queer Project, that aims to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people in West London and beyond, offering fun events, a safe space, a welcoming, supportive and safe environment.
- Communication and Campaigns Lead from Galop , which have supported LGBTQ+ people experiencing hate crime, domestic abuse, and sexual violence.
- Groupwork Lead from project Cherish Hounslow – part of Metro Charity, which provides mental health support for LGBTQ+ people who live, work, or study in Hounslow.
Along with the keynote speakers, the event will also highlight a special speech by NAZ Charity CEO and Co-chair of the LGBTQ+ Advisory Forum, Parminder Sekhon, on the importance of Zero HIV Stigma Day.
The event will also host a quiz that highlights the momentous activism of the LGBTQ+ community.
Councillor Ajmer Grewal, Cabinet Member for Residents Support, Communities and Equalities at Hounslow Council, said:
“Hounslow is proud to have a vibrant LGBTQ+ community and our community partners play an integral role in fostering a culture where everyone is welcome in Hounslow.
“This event highlights how the LGBTQ+ community has challenged discrimination, shifted attitudes and shown courage in making change a reality.
“I would encourage residents to attend this event and learn how the Council is committed to making Hounslow a more equal borough – ensuring everybody can thrive and feel part of our diverse community.”
Residents can book their place here. For any questions or specific requests about the event, please email Hounslow Council at