Stay Steady and Active helps to identify residents at risk of falls

Local resident Margaret, aged 90, recently travelled over an hour by bus to attend the Stay Steady and Active falls prevention event in Heston on Tuesday, 3 December.

Published: Thursday, 12th December 2024

Margaret and susan colwell

Margaret swapped her old, worn-out slippers for a brand new, sturdy pair that were completely free. She also visited health and care community stalls, chatted with health professionals, and learnt new ways to help reduce her risk of a fall.

Why visit Stay Steady and Active events?

Stay Steady and Active events provide free exercise classes and swim sessions, balance tests, and a range of community and health stalls, all designed to reduce the risks of falls for residents aged 60 plus. 

When Margaret attended an event, she did a simple Gait & Balance test with the Hounslow Health Outreach Team to check her balance abilities. The test highlighted that Margaret would benefit from clinical support from the West London NHS Falls Prevention & Bone Health Service, and a referral was made on the day. She also received a soup voucher and private transport was arranged to take her home.

Margaret was incredibly grateful for the help and support she received from the Health Outreach Team, and a couple of days later she delivered a handmade card thanking them for their care and kindness. 

Susan Colwell, Health Outreach Team, Hounslow Council, said: 

“In my role, I am very fortunate that I get to meet so many residents. I always try my best to provide a good listening ear so that I can help residents navigate the health and care system to suit their needs. 

“The heartwarming thank you card from Margaret was so thoughtful, and I am just so pleased that she now is aware of all the health and care services in Hounslow that are there to support her long-term independence.”  

Nicola Bartholomew, Public Health Strategist, Hounslow Council, said: 

“Proper slippers can play a significant role in preventing falls, while old, worn-out ones can lead to serious injuries, resulting in hospitalisation and a loss of independence and confidence. 

“The new slippers supplied by Stay Steady and Active are designed with features including secure fastenings and sturdy soles. In addition to receiving a new pair of slippers, residents will be put in touch with other support services where necessary.”

Preventing falls in the community

In collaboration with the Stay Steady and Active campaign, the Health Outreach Team now provides targeted falls prevention engagement in the community. 

The team visits places with high numbers of hospital admissions related to falls, or areas that attract a higher football of residents aged 60 plus, with the aim of increasing falls awareness and identifying people at risk of falling. 

Team members were recently trained to deliver Gait & Balance tests in the community, which they provide to any resident aged 60 and over. They can also take a blood pressure reading to understand if someone may benefit from a clinical referral or free community activities. During November the team delivered 30 Gait & Balance tests and made 21 referrals to the West London Falls Prevention & Bone Health Service. 

By promoting the benefits of Stay Steady and Active to residents in a friendly and informal way, the team is able to identify residents who are at risk of falls, and who may have not previously raised mobility concerns to a health professional.  

What is Stay Steady and Active? 

Stay Steady and Active was launched by the Hounslow Borough Based Partnership to help increase activity levels, test balance abilities, and reduce the risks of falls for residents aged 60 plus. 

The initiative offers free exercise classes, access to a 12-week strength and balance programme, signposting to a range of activities for the over 60s, and a Staying Steady test that residents can do at home to understand if they need additional clinical support.

The next Stay Steady and Active event is on Wednesday, 22 January at Brentford Leisure centre. 

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