A preliminary version of the report on the Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre was published too early and contained some gaps
Published: Saturday, 24th August 2024

Cllr Tom Bruce, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Assets, Regeneration and Development, said:
“Unfortunately, a preliminary version of the report on the Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre was published too early and contained some gaps, which is why we've now taken it down to ensure that we present a comprehensive and fully developed report to the community in the October cabinet meeting.
“While it is still very early days, we know that the current facility at Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre is reaching the end of its practical life, and that we need to start thinking about what comes next.
“We want the very best possible for our residents and the highest possible quality of development and built environment for Brentford, so that has to start with ensuring that any future development meets the needs of the community, centre users, and staff.
“We will be consulting and engaging with all stakeholders in a variety of ways over the next few months and this includes our Let’s Talk engagement portal to get your views on what you envisage for a new facility, and I would urge you to fill it out and have your say.”