Hounslow Council has welcomed the borough's new Mayor and Deputy Mayor. The Council has also revealed new cabinet roles.
Published: Wednesday, 29th May 2024

Hounslow Council has officially ushered in the borough’s new first citizen following a meeting of the Borough Council on Tuesday, 28 May,
Hounslow South Ward Councillor Karen Smith was invested as Mayor of Hounslow, 2024/25 at the meeting.
During her year of office, Cllr Smith will undertake a variety of civic responsibilities, including chairing Borough Council meetings and attending and hosting events.The role is purely ceremonial, with the Mayor of Hounslow being non-political during their term.
Cllr Smith was first elected to Hounslow Council in 2018.
She will be supported during her year of office by Feltham North Ward Councillor Muhammad Shakeel Akram, who was formally appointed Deputy Mayor for the year.
The Borough Council meeting also saw the introduction of a selection of new Cabinet roles for the authority’s political leadership team.
The Cabinet roles are:
- Leader of Hounslow Council, Cllr Shantanu Rajawat takes responsibility for Strategy, Resources and External Affairs.
- Cllr Tom Bruce becomes Hounslow Council’s Deputy Leader as well as Cabinet Member for Assets, Regeneration and Development.
- Cllr Samia Chaudhary becomes the Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Employment.
- Cllr Ajmer Grewal becomes the Cabinet Member for Residents Support, Communities and Equalities.
- Cllr Shivraj Grewal becomes the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Recycling and Transformation.
- Cllr Katherine Dunne remains the Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport.
- Cllr Lily Bath becomes the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Health Integration
- Cllr Salman Shaheen becomes the Cabinet Member Culture, Leisure and Public Spaces.
- Cllr Sue Sampson retains her role as the Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Homelessness.
- Cllr Raghwinder Siddhu joins the Cabinet as the Member for Public Safety, Regulatory Services and Enforcement.
Leader of Hounslow Council, Cllr Shantanu Rajawat, said: “I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Mayor and Deputy Mayor. We are certain they will carry out their roles with the same dedication and dignity as their predecessors and become fantastic ambassadors for our borough.
“I am also pleased to announce our new cabinet roles and welcome our new cabinet members. We have realigned these roles to better reflect the changing needs of our community, the people we serve and the challenges we face.
“I would like to pay tribute to those who have served in the previous roles for their unwavering support and devotion to duty.
Together, we are committed to fostering a thriving, safe, and sustainable community. I look forward to working closely with all my colleagues to achieve our shared goals and ensure that Hounslow remains a vibrant and inclusive place to live and work.”