Candidates announced for Mayor of London and London Assembly elections

The Statement of Persons Nominated has now been published.

Published: Tuesday, 2nd April 2024

Colourful overlapping silhouettes of politicians during a TV Election Debate

The statement gives the names of all candidates who will be standing for election in the upcoming Mayor of London and London Assembly elections on 2 May 2024.

To view the statements and for more information, please visit our election 2024 timetable on our website

Residents who have not yet registered to vote have until midnight on Tuesday 16 April to do so by visiting

Can’t get to the polling station? Anyone who is registered to vote can apply to have their ballot paper sent to them in the post. To apply, visit Paper application forms can be sent in the post on request.

The deadline for receiving new postal vote applications and for changes to existing postal or proxy votes is 5pm on Wednesday 17 April.

Paper application forms should be posted to Electoral Services, Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB and must be received before the deadline.

For more information about the election, registering to vote, postal or proxy votes, visit

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