Hounslow begins the conversation on the future of Council-owned buildings

Development plan for the Council’s Future Assets Strategy agreed by Cabinet

Published: Wednesday, 21st June 2023

Image of Councillor Tom Bruce, who stands as a Cabinet member for Hounslow Council

Last night Hounslow Council’s Cabinet agreed a plan to continue the review into the borough’s corporate assets – working towards maximizing their use for individuals and communities. A key focus will be working with residents, who will help shape Hounslow’s community centres, libraries and day centres.

This review is part of Hounslow Council’s wider transformation programme, which is improving the way the Council and its partners deliver services to residents and ensuring communities get support in the right places. Other key transformation programmes include the Independent Living Programme, Transforming Community Experience Programme and greater locality-based delivery through the Community Hubs approach – all three programmes were agreed by  Cabinet in February 2023. These will ensure that residents and communities accessing support and services have a consistently high-quality experience that lead to better outcomes.

Councillor Tom Bruce, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development at Hounslow Council, said:

“We are continuing to transform the way we work - putting residents at the heart of the services the Council and our partners deliver.

“To achieve this, we will be continuing our in-depth review of the buildings and spaces we own, to understand how they are currently being used by the community and what opportunities these spaces will offer for the future.

“We can’t do this alone, and residents’ voices will play an integral role in shaping our plan. This autumn, we will begin conversations with residents to understand whether our buildings and spaces meet the needs of the community or what we can do differently in the future. This will be on-going and we’ll update residents throughout the process on how our plans are evolving.”

The consultation will be conducted in two phases:

• Initial conversation phase, starting this autumn, will provide residents with an opportunity to share their views at a range of pop-up locations and events across the borough.

• Detailed engagement and consultation examining specific Council assets and buildings will then follow next year (early 2024). Some assets are not included in the review, these include schools, homes, and highways assets.

Read the full Future Asset Strategy report here.

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