Cllr Chaudhary has set out the Council’s concerns to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, urging the Government to review significant underfunding for social care.
Published: Tuesday, 21st March 2023
In a letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Hounslow Council has raised concerns following the ‘cost of care’ exercise which seeks to describe how much a care provider has to pay to deliver care and urges the Government to urgently review its funding settlement for social care.
Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health Integration said:
“National social care funding is at crisis point, with costs spiralling out of control and a lack of sufficient long-term funding plans.
"In light of the Government’s analysis of the cost of social care services, it has never been clearer that local authorities are significantly underfunded and under-resourced to shift towards paying providers a ‘fair’ price for care and support delivery of a high-quality care system.
“Hounslow like other local authorities has undertaken the ‘cost for care’ exercise, which has been challenging and time consuming. We thank our care providers who have worked with us throughout this process.
“Unsurprisingly, the exercise has only heightened our concerns around the significant gap in our funding required to truly reform of care and support sector.
“Local authorities have for far too long been left to deal with gaps in government funding against increasing demands of support and inflated costs to deliver services whilst maintaining a balanced budget. While the Government have been papering over the cracks with ineffective funding settlements and initiatives.
“For our vulnerable residents, social care is critical to living an equal life, with dignity and as much independence as possible. We are committed to ensuring all our residents have access to high-quality, personalised care and support they need and deserve. The Council will continue to do everything it can to make a real difference to people’s lives, through working collaboratively with our partners, supporting our carers and care workers and the wider community.
“At Hounslow we are keen to actively work with the Government to ensure we succeed in a delivering vibrant and sustainable social care provider market. To achieve this, the Government needs to urgently begin providing sufficient long-term funding now which is far beyond the current cost of care.
“I urge the Secretary of State to seriously consider the concerns the Council has raised and reflect these in an urgent review of the funding allocation for social care."