The National Education Union has announced strike action that will impact Hounslow schools in February and March
Published: Thursday, 26th January 2023

The National Education Union (NEU) announced strike action across the UK following its ballot of teacher members reaching the thresholds required to commence industrial action.
The national strike action is because of a dispute between the unions and the government over teachers’ pay and not because of any issues at our schools in the borough.
The NEU announced national and regional action in England on a number of dates in February and March 2023.
The dates the strikes will impact schools in Hounslow will take place on:
- Wednesday, 1 February
- Thursday, 2 March
- Wednesday, 15 March
- Thursday, 16 March
As schools prepare for strike action, Headteachers will have undertaken risk assessments to determine what education provision the school can deliver whilst safeguarding the health and safety of children and staff.
Each school is affected differently by the strike action as this depends on the number of staff who are members of the NEU and the number of members who decide to strike on the dates above. As well as other factors which might contribute to fewer members of staff available to work on the day’s strikes will be held such as staff illness.
In cases where schools can remain partially open, Headteachers will prioritise attendance for exam year groups, vulnerable pupils and children of critical workers in line with the guidance from The Department for Education.
Letters have been sent to parents and carers with children registered at schools and academies to notify them of the planned strike action. Schools will send further communication outlining the final arrangements for the days strike action is underway.
Whilst we understand this situation may cause concern and frustration, we ask our school community to continue to treat each other with respect.
Hounslow Council will fund food vouchers at £3 per day to parents and carers with children eligible for benefits related to free school meals who are affected by school closures in the borough on 1st February due to strike action. Schools will make the necessary arrangements for eligible pupils to receive the food voucher.
The Council will continue to work closely with Schools, Chairs of Governing Bodies and Union Representatives to keep up to date with the situation and minimise the disruption to learning as much as possible.
If you have any questions about the school your child attends and the arrangements that have been put in place during strike action, you should contact the school’s office as per the advice set out in the letter you received from the Headteacher.