Hounslow Council has opened the second round of its Thriving Communities Fund.
Published: Thursday, 22nd September 2022

The fund enables voluntary and community organisations to apply for revenue grants of up to £25,000 with a focus on:
- A Greener Hounslow by supporting community food projects and the circular economy
- A Healthier Hounslow by strengthening social connections
- A Liveable Hounslow by building resilience for Hounslow Housing tenants
- A Safer Hounslow by protecting vulnerable residents
- A Thriving Hounslow by supporting young people through employability and skills
An additional £50,000 has also been made available through Hounslow’s Borough Based Partnership to deliver projects that make Hounslow healthier.
Key priorities include:
- Children and young people’s mental health.
- Dementia.
- Diabetes.
- Falls suffered by elderly people
- Intermediate, or short-term care
- Population Health Management
Commenting on this window of opportunity, Hounslow Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Equalities, Councillor Shivraj Grewal, said:
“It’s important that community and voluntary groups are aware this funding is available. Among recent beneficiaries were projects that supported carers, tackled youth violence, and provided sport opportunities for young people.”
More than £70,000 was allocated in total to The Mulberry Centre who look to improve the lives of people affected by cancer, Harrow Carers, first-time beneficiaries, now branching out in Hounslow, to offer wide-ranging support for carers in the borough, and Osterley-based Our Barn who provide specialist support for family carers.
Golden Opportunity Skills and Development received £25,000 for a new project that offers early intervention work in preventing youth violence in the borough of Hounslow.
Nearly £40,000 was awarded to sport-related projects including Project Turnover, who, through rugby, seek to re-engage 12–17-year-olds back into education and away from possible exclusion and Feltham/Hounslow based London Warriors Basketball Club, who run regular community sessions in the area. Hounslow Community Rowing Trust - a first-time beneficiary - provide indoor rowing lessons to state school pupils at Brentford Leisure Centre.
Funded projects can either build on an existing service or address an identified service gap. However, it must demonstrate how the service can be made sustainable after the one-year grant funding ends.
Mags Davison, CEO of Project Turnover, said:
"We are delighted to be supported by Hounslow Council’s Thriving Communities Fund. Project Turnover aims to create positive outcomes for the UK’s most vulnerable young people via an immersive programme based on proven research that sport can be used as a framework for a program of positive change for young people. We run a program that leverages sport, to cultivate resilience, motivation, and hope in students at risk of exclusion, gang involvement, drug abuse, violence, and opting out of school.
“The Thriving Communities bid has allowed us to continue supporting young people in the borough to make positive life direction changes.”
The closing date for funding applications is Friday 21 October 2022 at 9am.
All enquiries about the Thriving Communities Fund should be referred to the Council’s Community Partnerships Unit:
Kate.Wilson@hounslow.gov.uk or Michelle.Hutchinson@hounslow.gov.uk
Telephone: Call us on 020 8583 2450 / 2454 / 2512.