Can't stay in your home because of domestic abuse

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If you are experiencing domestic abuse from a family member and feel you are in immediate danger, dial 999.

If it is not safe for you to speak once connected, dial 55 to alert the call handler. They will then attempt to communicate with you by asking only 'yes' or 'no' questions.

You can tell us you're homeless or worried about becoming homeless because of domestic abuse.

We will give you options based on an assessment of your circumstances and preferences. For example we may:

  • provide emergency accommodation
  • help you find a refuge to stay at
  • get you access to legal help to enable you to stay in your home

You can also contact other organisations that can help with domestic abuse.

In the UK on a spouse or partner visa

If you're in the UK on a spouse or partner visa and you are experiencing domestic abuse, you may be able to apply for indefinite leave to remain.

For help with your claim you can contact: 

If you have young children

If you have a child under the age of 18, we may be able to provide you with accommodation and financial assistance through children's social services. To see if we can help, contact us at 020 8583 6600.

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