Club Premises Permit

Minor variation

Small changes to your premises licence or club premises certificate can be made using the minor variation process, which is easier and quicker than the full variation process.
This process may be used for changes such as:
  • small changes to the structure or layout of a premises;
  • the addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or regulated entertainment (such as performance of plays or film exhibitions);
  • small changes to licensing hours (but see below on changes that relate to alcohol); or
  • revisions, removals and additions of conditions (this could include the removal or amendment of out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions, or the addition of volunteered conditions).
The Minor variations process cannot be used to:
  • add the retail or supply of alcohol to a licence;
  • extend licensing hours for the sale or supply of alcohol at any time between 11pm and 7am;
  • increase the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold by retail or supplied;
  • extend the period for which the licence or certificate has effect;
  • transfer the licence or certificate from one premises to another, or vary substantially the premises to which it relates;
  • specify, in a premises licence, an individual as the premises supervisor;
  • add the sale by retail or supply of alcohol as an activity authorised by a licence or certificate; or
  • disapply the mandatory conditions relating to a designated premises supervisor (there is a separate process by which community premises can apply for this).
*You must also inform us if the registered address of the club changes*



Application, guidance notes or terms and condition

Attachments required 
  • Plan of the premises (only required if the variation includes changes to the internal layout of the premises);


  • The current certificate.

Processing and timescales

Any person has 10 working days from the day after the application is received to submit representations. Applications must be determined within 15 working days from the day the application is received.
If we fail to determine your application within 15 working days, you will be given the option of re-starting the application or a full refund of the application fee.
Where the application is granted, the licence or certificate will be updated and re-issued within 14 days of the grant of the minor variation.


Validity and renewals

Where a minor variation is granted, it will take effect immediately upon notification of the grant. 
There is no renewal process for Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates, which are subject to an annual fee due on the anniversary the licence or certificate was originally granted. 
An invoice will be sent to you in advance of this date.



Contact Licensing in the first instance.


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