Council structure

Political structure

Following the election in May 2022, Labour increased its majority of the council.

The council has the following make up:

  • Labour 52 seats
  • Conservative 9 seats
  • Workers Party UK 1 seat

The borough comprises 62 elected members overall who, together, form the full council which meets about nine times a year.

Council policy is decided at meetings of the full council where all 62 members discuss and vote on proposals. Formal council meetings are held to agree the council tax base and budget, elect the Mayor and other post holders and decide the main policy framework.


A Cabinet of ten councillors is responsible for bringing forward strategic policy proposals to be considered by the council. This Cabinet is responsible for overseeing the operational management of the council and for ensuring that agreed policies are carried out within the agreed budgetary framework. Each cabinet member is responsible for a specific crosscutting area of work. 

Area forums

Five area forums are responsible for monitoring the delivery of services in their areas. Up to three local people can be co-opted on to the committees to help with this work.

The area forums are:

  • Bedfont and Feltham Area Forum
  • Brentford and Syon Area Forum
  • Central Hounslow Area Forum
  • Chiswick Area Forum
  • Hanworth Area Forum
  • Heston and Cranford Area Forum
  • Hounslow South, Isleworth, Osterley and Spring Grove Area Forum


Overview and Scrutiny arrangements

Hounslow also has a well established Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This Committee works with its three standing scrutiny panels to consider issues in detail.

These three standing scrutiny panels are:

  • Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel
  • Health and Adults Care Scrutiny Panel
  • Housing and Environment Scrutiny Panel

These panels may co-opt up to three people to help them in their work and can invite people to give evidence. The results of their reviews are reported to the Cabinet who are charged with bringing forward proposals for change and improvement.

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