Council budgets and spending

Efficiency Plan 2016/17 to 2019/20

As part of the November 2015 Spending Review, the Government offered councils an opportunity to achieve greater certainty and confidence over their finances by accepting a four year finance settlement. With the aim being that this certainty will allow local authorities to strengthen their financial management and make more strategic, long-term decisions on reforming public services in the context of further reductions in funding.

The medium term financial strategy (MTFS) has been prepared on the basis of the Council accepting the four year finance settlement being offered by the Government. The Council faces significant external and internal risks in the next four years and having more certainty over our mid-term finances will allow us to make more strategic, long-term decisions to overcome these risks.

A requirement of accepting the settlement was to publish an efficiency plan for the council.

View the Efficiency Plan 2016/17 to 2019/20 document

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