Applying for traffic calming measure in your road
All requests for traffic calming measure should be made in writing. We have limited funding for traffic calming schemes and consequently all requests have to be considered and prioritised, not based on the numbers of accidents alone but also taking into account a variety of other issues such as the severity of accidents, the speed and volume of traffic, existing safety measures, proximity of schools and the numbers of road users in the vulnerable group (e.g. children and elderly people)
What to do if there are a lot of accidents in your road
All road traffic accidents occurring on our road network are monitored. With an emphasis on meeting government targets for casualty reduction, the first priority has to be tackling areas where the highest numbers of accidents are taking place. The worst sites, based on the number and severity of accidents, are identified annually and remedial measures designed and implemented.
The majority of traffic management used on the roads today must be introduced by the making of a Traffic Management Order (TMO). Most Traffic Management Orders are concerned with prescribing or restricting vehicle movements. Therefore, Traffic Management Orders are not made for traffic calming schemes, which are mainly intended to physically reduce vehicle speed, or for the provision of pedestrian facilities.
Copies of any Traffic Management Orders made by us can be viewed by contacting us using the details below.
Traffic schemes in your area
Over the course of time a number of traffic schemes have been introduced in the borough as Accident Investigation & Prevention Schemes, Safer Routes to School projects or through funding through Planning Gain monies.
Enquires on schemes should be directed to us. A full list of schemes the council are currently working on can be downloaded from this page.
Make a development or road safety suggestion
Contact us
Traffic and Road Safety
London Borough of Hounslow
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road