Fees for births, deaths, marriage or civil partnerships certificates

Fees for civil partnership

  • Entry of each notice of civil partnership for persons subject to the Home Office Referral and Investigation Scheme
  • Entry of each notice of civil partnerships for all other persons
  • Notice of no impediment for civil partnership
  • Consideration by the registration authority of a civil partnership dissolution obtained outside of the British Isles
  • Consideration by the Registrar General of a civil partnership dissolution/divorce obtained outside of the British Isles
Attendance of a registration officer to attest a notice other than at a register office  
  • Attesting a notice of a housebound person
  • Attesting a notice  of a detained person
Attendance at a civil partnership registration  
  • At the register office (statutory room)
  • Registrar attending the signing of a civil partnership schedule – housebound
  • Registrar attending the signing of a civil partnership schedule – detained

The fee for attendance of the civil partnership registrar at the registration of a civil partnership on approved premises is set by the registration authority for the area where the venue is situated. 

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