Counter Extremism, the Prevent Strategy and The Armed Forces Covenant

Delivering the Prevent Strategy in Hounslow

The Stronger United Community Group (SUCG)

  • The Stronger United Community Group in Hounslow is a partnership that regularly comes together to create safer, stronger, and more resilient communities in our borough.
  • This is achieved through ongoing dialogue between local communities, residents, faith groups, Hounslow's VCSE sector, veterans and volunteers at a grassroots level. 
  • The SUCG is supported by the Council's Community Partnerships Unit, the Prevent and Counter Extremism and Community Cohesion teams.

To discuss the work of the SUCG please contact

Counter-Extremism – Commission for Countering Extremism Unit (New)

  • The Independent Review of Prevent by Sir William Shawcross, saw the development of the Commission for Countering Extremism Unit (New) 2023/ 2024.  
  • Hounslow's SUCG is working closely with the Commission for Countering Extremism Unit to challenge extremism.

The Commission for Countering Extremism – The Standards and Compliance Unit (StaCU).

  • Launched on 28 February 2024, the StaCU, the creation of which was recommended by Sir William Shawcross in the Independent Review of Prevent, will ensure that Prevent is being delivered properly within the direction set by Government Ministers.
  • StaCU will review any complaints, updating the complainant of the outcome, and maintain confidentiality and independence throughout. Where complaints require investigation, StaCU will work closely with statutory bodies and in conjunction with existing organisational complaints processes. StaCU will fulfil a crucial oversight function of Prevent, analysing complaints data and informing Ministers. The Commission for Countering Extremism will also publish annual reports sharing details on numbers and types of complaints received by StaCU.

Send your complaints, concerns or feedback about Prevent using this Form.

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