Flooding in Hounslow

Managing development and building works

As a statutory consultee, Hounslow Lead Local Flood Authority have a responsibility to provide the local planning authority with an informed response to planning applications for major development proposals, with respect to flood risk and drainage.

Assessing Flood Risk

Strategic Flood Risk Assessments

View the government website for more information on how to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment.

This is a Level 1 SFRA which provides the evidence base to ensure development is steered away from areas most at risk from various flood sources, reducing risk to residents and buildings. 

As a result of recent changes to the new National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA2) modelling by the Environment Agency and changes to National Climate Change allowances, the West London Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2018) will be revised and updated accordingly in due course. All local planning authorities need to produce a level 1 SFRA. A level 2 SFRA may also need to be produced depending on whether your local authority has plans for development in flood risk areas. View how to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment.

Hounslow completed a Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. This is to ensure that planned future development is at the lowest possible risk of flooding, where possible. 

Hounslow Surface Water Management Plan (2021)

A Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) has been prepared to minimise surface water flooding, to be supported by the council’s role as SuDS Approving Body (SAB) that will introduce a consent system for SuDS measures.

Water and sewerage companies, the Environment Agency, Canal & River Trust, internal drainage boards and the Highways Authority are all statutory consultees for the SAB. Before any SuDS are approved the relevant organisations should be consulted.

The Hounslow Surface Water Management Plan (2021) is a non-statutory plan which can be used to look at existing risk of surface water flooding, for identifying options to manage risk to an acceptable level, for making the right investment decisions and for planning the delivery of actions to manage flood risk.

View the Surface Water Management Plan and its associated mapping.

Please email flooding@hounslow.gov.uk to view the information from Appendices B-D.

Planning requirements

When submitting a planning application developers are expected to fulfil the requirements on sustainable drainage systems set out in:


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