Air quality, pollution and aviation noise

Clean Air for All

In September 2021, funding for the Clean Air for All programme was approved by Cabinet, with £1.2m allocated to programme delivery. The purpose of the Clean Air for All programme is to improve the Borough’s air quality and improve resident health and wellbeing. The programme also seeks to prevent the loss of lives and reduce health inequalities by adopting the World Health Organisation (WHO) limit values for measuring PM2.5 and 10 across the Borough. 
The programme will aim to: 
  1. Identify areas in Hounslow where air quality monitoring can be improved and upgrade existing air quality monitoring facilities.
  2. Expand the monitoring network through the installation of new automatic monitoring stations and diffusion tubes throughout Hounslow to understand the distribution of pollution and any high-risk areas.
  3. Identify and implement actions that will reduce pollution to WHO limit values for PM 2.5 and 10, in order to deliver healthier air for all with a focus on schools and public buildings as part of the Clean Air for Schools Project. 
  4. Identify and implement actions that will not detrimentally impact vulnerable populations and the environment whilst enabling future economic growth across the borough.
  5. Develop a high-quality knowledge base of air quality information by working collaboratively with stakeholders to understand their needs in order to meet requirements.
For more information on the Clean Air for All programme, please see the Climate and Clean Air Annual Reports.

As part of the Clean Air for Schools programme, Hounslow Council are offering air quality audits to all schools in the borough that are concerned about their local air quality. This free audit involves a council representative visiting the school to assess what can be done to reduce the prevalence and exposure to poor air quality, with council funding available to deliver the recommendations. If your school would like to be involved, please email

To track up-to-date air quality information in your local area, please visit Breathe London.
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