Air quality, pollution and aviation noise

Domestic wood burning stoves and open fires

Hounslow Council is committed to cleaning the air for the health and wellbeing of everyone who lives, works and studies in our borough.

Air Quality is a national issue that affects, towns, cities and rural areas alike. There are many different causes of air pollution in Hounslow. We must do all we can to tackle all of them.

Domestic wood-burning stoves and open fires are part of the problem. When used incorrectly they produce tiny particles which can enter people’s lungs and cause health problems.

Much of the problem surrounds the fuel people burn on open fires. The government has introduced new rules on the sale of fuel for open fires. There are restrictions on the sale of bagged coal and wet wood - two of the largest sources of air pollution.

The new rules also mean that solid fuel must have a low sulphur content. Manufacturers must also certify and label these products to meet the required standards.

Hounslow and other local authorities across London are working together to regulate the sale of wood and other fuels to meet the new requirements.

Excessive use of open fires and garden bonfires are a nuisance. When Hounslow Council receives complaints about such fires, it will investigate and take enforcement action, including prosecution.

Read The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has produced a useful guide that explains how wood-burning stoves and other appliances can be used responsibly.

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