DFN Project SEARCH Article

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Kinan is a young man who grew up in Heston, and heard about DFN Project SEARCH through the Council, while he was volunteering with local charities Cathja and Our Barn.

He has now secured a paid job with Hounslow Council as an Apprentice Business Support Officer. Here, he talks about his journey…

I’ve had excellent support throughout the Project SEARCH programme, and I am sincerely grateful for the opportunities provided and the knowledge and skills I’ve picked up along the way. It has been an incredible year.

But I must admit I did find the regular early starts difficult! But I’m used to it now. Part of the package with Project SEARCH is getting used to these kind of routines, not least the actual journey to work, so you’re assigned a dedicated travel trainer.

Little things like getting used to public transport really boosted my confidence before I started the actual course. Once I did, I enjoyed the variety and rotation of the programme - a mix of work experience and education. It was always interesting, and I got regular feedback which was constructive and encouraging.

On top of the ‘soft skills,’ I was also developing technical expertise in something I found interesting. As time went on, I became more aware of my personal employability and had positive expectations of what could happen next.

Now, I’m ready and excited to take the next steps in my career with the foundation Project SEARCH has helped me build.

The encouragement, expertise and mentorship been helpful in equipping me with the essential skills necessary for my Apprenticeship Business Support Officer role, and any future opportunities that may arise.

Picture of Kinan, a Hounslow Council Apprentice.


Thorpe Park is the latest business to provide supported internships for young people from Hounslow with special educational needs, through DFN Project SEARCH

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