More than 500 fines for drinking in public spaces ASB in past three years

More than 500 fines have been issued for alcohol related anti-social behaviour in the past three years.

Published: Tuesday, 28th January 2025

A discarded vodka bottle on grass

The Hounslow Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which was first introduced in 2017, and was last updated three years ago to target alcohol related anti-social behaviour as part of the ongoing work to ensure the borough remains safe for all. 

However, the order expires in April this year and, by law, the local authority must consult with residents, businesses, and relevant organisations, including police, if it intends to replace it.

The Council now wants feedback on whether a new protection order should be brought to replace it. 

The PSPO allows authorised council officers and police to give a fixed penalty fine for alcohol related anti-social behaviour. 

Since the latest order has been in place more than 535 fines of £100 each have been issued throughout the borough.

Refusal to pay the fine can result in court action and increase the fine to a maximum of £1000.

Councillor Raghwinder Siddhu, Hounslow Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Safety, Regulatory Services and Enforcement said he wanted to hear from residents, businesses and the wider public if they wanted the order to continue.

He said:

We have been serious about tackling anti-social drinkers who can quickly spoil people’s enjoyment and be a nuisance for businesses.

Obviously no order is fool prove, but the number of fines that have been given out since we first launched this three years ago gives some idea of how determined we are to act.

It means the law-abiding public can enjoy themselves responsibility.

I’m urging people to sign up to the consultation and let us know what they think.

The alternative is that we do nothing when the current PSPO runs out on April 8.

While Hounslow is deemed a safe borough, community safety remains a top priority for the Council. A new Safer Community Strategy 2024-2027 aims to address the concerns around crime and the perception of safety. The consultation ends at 9am Wednesday, January 29. Find out more at the council website or by visiting your local library for a copy of the survey.

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