Cycleway 9 – Watermans Park to Kew bridge
As part of the ongoing delivery of Cycleway 9 in Hounslow, on behalf of Transport for London, we will be building the cycle route between Watermans Park and Kew bridge. The work is planned to start from 27 March for a period of approximately six months.
The new construction will connect to the completed route between Kew bridge and Heathfield Terrace and the trial section between Heathfield Terrace and Goldhawk Road, Chiswick.

The key features of the section between Watermans Park and Kew Bridge will be as follows:
- A new permanent segregated cycleway, consisting of both one-way and bi-directional cycle tracks, segregated using high-quality raised paving.
- New bus stop islands and improvements to existing bus lanes
- A signalled crossing point connecting the bi-directional cycle track on Kew Bridge Road to the one-way cycle track on Brentford High Street
- Adjustments in side-roads’ layouts to make people cycling more visible to vehicles
Our contractors, Hounslow Highways, will be managing the delivery of these works and will issue details on the construction programme.